Palle Mørkøre

Palle Mørkøre has a background as a military aviator and commander in the Danish Air Force. He holds a leadership background, MA in leadership and international politics from King´s College London, MBA from University of Southern Denmark and Executive Master in Strategic Foresight and Digital Transformation from University of Rome.

He has worked as CEO of private consultancies as well as educational institutions. Palle has also worked as a project director within the energy sector including renewable energy companies (water turbines, heat energy and solar energy). In addition he has participated in projects in the area of circular economy. He is currently the chairman of a large civilian enterprise within automation and robotics and part of the top management in the Danish Air Force.

Palle Mørkøre is a lecturer of Future Scenarios of Strategy Development on Offshore Wind Energy Master of Business Administration programme implemented jointly by University of Applied Science Bremerhaven and Business Academy Southwest.

Podmiot udostępniający: 

UM w Gdyni
Wytworzenie informacji:
UM w Gdyni, UMG, wtorek, 25 Styczeń, 2022
K.Okońska, 25.01.2022
Ostatnia modyfikacja:
K.Okońska, 25.01.2022