Grand Inauguration of the Academic Year 2024/2025 at Gdynia Maritime University

I do solemnly swear to protect the honour of the Polish flag and to remain faithful to it!

Another few hundred young people recited these words as they swore the oath before the University banner at this year's ceremony for the inauguration of the new academic year on Saturday 5th October 2024, in this way becoming students of the longest-established maritime university in Poland. The University's grand inauguration ceremony took place in front of the sail training ship Dar Młodzieży on the Pomeranian Quay in central Gdynia, and was attended by several distinguished guests.

The orchestra, the swearing of the oath before the University banner, the presence of the Guard of Honour, and the traditional navy blue uniforms, all contributed to the maritime setting of this year's grand inauguration, immersing the new students in the maritime tradition Gdynia Maritime University is proud to uphold. 

Order of the ceremony

The inauguration ceremony was preceded at 9am by a Holy Mass at the Redemptorist Maritime Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St. Peter the Fisherman in Gdynia, offered for the intentions of the staff, students, doctoral candidates and alumni of the University. The mass was said by the University chaplain and "pastor of the people of the sea", Father Edward Pracz.



Taking part in the events of the inauguration were members of the University's academic community – students, doctoral candidates, lecturers, and members of staff – but also representatives of national and regional government authorities, the rectors of other institutions of higher education, representatives of companies connected with the maritime industry, GMU partner associations, as well as alumni and associates of the University, local residents and tourists.

The inauguration ceremony began at 11am sharp with the maritime tradition of breaking 'glasses' onboard the bell on board the Dar Młodzieży. The Gdynia Maritime University banner – a symbol of the University's best academic values – was then introduced by the GMU Guard of Honour, in the company of the Border Guard Unit of the Maritime Orchestra.

This was followed by a rendition of the Polish National Anthem by the orchestra and the raising of the flag on the mast. 



HM The Rector of Gdynia Maritime University, Professor Adam Weintrit, then took to the floor to welcome all students, doctoral candidates, staff, and guests of the University, before giving a speech for the occasion.

"Historia magistra vitae est! History is the teacher of life!" – with these words HM The Rector addressed the students beginning the new academic year, drawing attention to the 104-year history of the University. He recalled the turbulent war years and the heroism of school heroes who fought and died at sea, summarising the importance of the sea not only in the educational mission of Gdynia Maritime University but also for the entire Polish economy:

Today, the sea is our window to the world, and that window is open wider than ever before. Access to the Baltic has a significant impact on the development of our country's economy, partly due to the emerging new industries and technologies, including the offshore sector, in which our University has an important role to play. 

Addressing the young new students gathered in front of the Dar Młodzieży, HM The Rector, Professor Adam Weintrit said:

From today, you have the opportunity to make your mark on the history of our University. You are now members of an academic community with rich maritime traditions, an institution with beautifully written pages of history. 

It is my sincere wish that your time spent at Gdynia Maritime University will be most inspirational and memorable. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Exchange views, share your observations, and engage in discussion - not only with your peers but especially with your professors and lecturers during lectures, seminars and consultations. Such discussions often lead to new, innovative ideas and unconventional solutions. Be open-minded and interested in the world around you and boldly reach for everything our University has to offer. You are now part of a university where there is freedom of thought, speech, beliefs, and opinion. 

HM The Rector also mentioned that the new academic year coincides with the beginning of his second term of office as Rector of the University:

A month ago, I began my second term as Rector of our University. As I already mentioned, today's ceremony, the inauguration of another academic year, has a special, somewhat personal dimension to it. 

Today, I symbolically close one chapter and begin another. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all those who worked with me in the previous term of office and to those who have accepted my invitation to work with me in the new term of office. I offer you all my respect and ask for your complete involvement. There are significant challenges and difficult tasks ahead. I pray that we be granted the strength, desire, and endurance to succeed. 

From among the priorities for this new term of office, the Rector mentioned: the preparation of the University for the next qualitative assessment of the launch of new study programmes connected with the nationally and internationally developing offshore industry; the internationalisation of the University through the creation of study programmes for international students; increasing cooperation with other maritime universities as part of the International Association of Maritime Universities; the further development of the University's campus, including the construction of new student accommodation; the development of the Faculty of Computer Science and admission of the new faculty's first year of students, initiation of the building of a GMU IT Centre, and finding a method and source of financing for the building of a replacement for the University's sail training ship, Dar Młodzieży, and potentially Horyzont II and IMOR.

As per tradition, the opening of the new academic year 2024/2025 was also marked with a lengthy siren from onboard the Dar Młodzieży

The grand inauguration ceremony was given a ceremonial air by the irreplaceable Gdynia Maritime University Academic Choir, conducted by Dr Karol Hilla, performing the Maritime School Anthem by Tczew Maritime School graduate Michała Hłaski, academic song Gaudeamus Igitur and the hymn Gaude Mater Polonia.



The anthem was followed by the swearing of the oath by those students who gained the most points during admissions on behalf of all new University students:

  • Kajetan Dolny (Faculty of Navigation)
  • Krzysztof Kąkol (Faculty of Marine Engineering)
  • Maciej Wieczorek (Faculty of Electrical Engineering)
  • Bartosz Flis (Faculty of Management and Quality Science).

The oath was read by the Deputy Rector for Student Affairs and Education, Dr Sambor Guze. The students swore the oath before the University banner, repeating the following words:   

Aware of my responsibilities as a student of the Gdynia Maritime University,
I do solemnly swear:
that for the good of my country, I shall endeavour to gain lasting knowledge and skills,
uphold the dignity of students and the good name of Gdynia Maritime University,
respect the University staff,
abide by the rules of collegiate coexistence,
and be a righteous and honest human being.
 I do solely swear to protect the honour of the Polish flag and to remain faithful to it.




The swearing of the oath was followed by the matriculation ceremony was conducted by HM The Rector of GMU, on board the Dar Młodzieży, using the Rector's mace. The following representatives of first-year students and doctoral candidates took part in the matriculation:

  • Aleksander Makieła and Maksymilian Czapliński (Faculty of Navigation),
  • Marcin Januszewski and Dominika Klass (Faculty of Electrical Engineering),
  • Aleksandra Plichta and Michał Breza (Faculty of Marine Engineering),
  • Wiktoria Potocka and Marcin Lewszyk (Faculty of Management and Quality Science) 
  • Krystian Kaczerski (representing doctoral candidates).



Following the matriculation, some notable guests also said a few words. Speaking on behalf of the President of Poland, was Presidential Advisor, Piotr Karczewski; also taking to the floor was Minister for Education, Barbara Nowacka; on behalf of the Minister for Infrastructure, Director of the Department for Maritime Education, Wojciech Gąsowski, Deputy Pomeranian Governor, Emil Rojek, and the Chair of the University Council, Joanna Zielińska. Also addressing the students was the Chair of the University's Student Parliament, Tobiasz Chęciński.

In a letter read by the Polish Presidential Adviser, Piotr Karczewski, President of Poland Andrzej Duda, addressed the academic community at Gdynia Maritime University in the following words:

I send sincere greetings to the entire academic community at Gdynia Maritime University - a prestigious university whose more than 100 years of achievements are a symbol of our rich maritime tradition and the future aspirations of our country.

This is beautifully illustrated by a special anniversary, which is important for your university community, but also touches the heart of every Pole. 90 years ago, on 16 September 1934, the majestic Dar Pomorza sailed from its home port in Gdynia [...] and after visiting 23 ports and sailing almost 39 thousand nautical miles, became the first vessel flying the Polish flag to circumnavigate the globe.   

[...] In this new academic year, you will no doubt refer to these momentous events, drawing from them inspiration to undertake ambitious challenges, for bold voyages to new horizons. At the turn of this new year of research and study, I wish the entire academic community many outstanding achievements.


Also read from among the letters of congratulations received were the words of the Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland,Szymon Hołownia. In his letter, the Marshal of the Sejm drew attention to the unquestionable importance of learning as one of the greatest values developed by humankind over thousands of years. Addressing the academic community at Gdynia Maritime University, he wrote.

It is my wish that the University community will discover new horizons and unknown worlds, while at the same time remaining always sensitive and open to others. I wish the students endurance and success in their quest for knowledge and the development of their skills. Gdynia Maritime University is an indispensable cradle of Polish maritime personnel, one of the best maritime universities in the world, with an established position in forging maritime personnel and in many areas of the maritime industry. Therefore, I extend my congratulations to those who have been given a place at this prestigious academic institution. You will be guided on your academic path by the knowledge and experience of your lecturers.


Next to speak was the Minister for Education, Barbara Nowacka, who in addressing the new first-year students, underlined that Gdynia Maritime University graduates are highly qualified specialists:

It is a great privilege to be here with you all today in this exceptional place for this special occasion. Those who choose to study at this University know from the start that their journey through life will be unique. Their paths will be connected with the sea, the maritime industry, and the development of the resilience of our country. [...] I know that often it may not have been a straightforward decision. A decision that you will probably question several times in your lives. But know that you have chosen very well!



A letter was also read on behalf of the Minister of Infrastructure by the Director of the Department for Maritime Education, Wojciech Gąsowski. In the letter, Minister Arkadiusz Marchewka wrote:

We enter the new academic year with new hopes and plans. The priority at Gdynia Maritime University is without a doubt to ensure students a high level of education and to comprehensively prepare graduates to undertake the tasks they will in their professional lives and as members of society. A university education is synonymous with wider horizons, well-rounded skills and competencies, openness and independence. The above requires constant efforts to maintain favourable conditions: the development of scientific research, innovative technology, and the development of the teaching infrastructure. I would like to assure you that the Minister of Infrastructure is making every effort to provide the optimum tools required for the further development of the University, and will continue to support activities in connection with the realisation of its strategic projects.  


The Marshall of Pomerania, Emil Rojek, also said a few words in which he described the inauguration of the new academic year as a

Good time to highlight the importance of academic centres in the development of Pomerania. There, new theories and ideas are born, ideas which eventually have their effects on the region, its development and wealth. It is centres of higher education like Gdynia Maritime University that strengthen the Pomeranian identity and the widely understood human resources.   

Today’s University is the biggest of its kind in Poland and one of the biggest in Europe. This is thanks to the work of generations of lecturers, students, and those who cared about the development of maritime higher education. The Pomerania of today is setting trends in the development of the economy. [...] Once again, we are part of the avant-garde, only this time in energy. A university that produces future officers for the maritime fleet, engineers and managers for roles at sea and on land, responds to the needs of the economy and the labour market. 


A fragment of a letter received on the occasion of the inauguration of the new academic year from the Minister for Science, Dariusz Wieczorek, was also read:

The inauguration of the new academic year at the University is a celebration for the entire academic community. I am pleased that with each passing year, we are joined by more students who successfully applied to be part of our community. With their student books in hand, they begin their journey on a whole new path of academic and professional development. I am convinced that the coming months will allow you to deepen your knowledge and skills, realise your academic interests, and take part in ambitious research projects.


Addressing members of the academic community, the Chair of the University Council, Joanna Zielińska, said:

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is a great success for our academic community that so many people have chosen here to dedicate four or five years of their lives to education at our University. I wish you enthusiasm and endurance during this next stage of your education. Use the time given to you to study well and treat the knowledge you gain as the best investment in the future!

Addressing the University’s new students, the chair of the University Council added:

I hope your studies will be an intellectual adventure, a time of intellectual development and a time to develop valuable relations and enjoy everything student life has to offer! [...] May you be proud to be Gdynia Maritime University students!


The Chair of the Student Parliament, Tobiasz Chęciński, also addressed the first-year students:

For many of you, this is the beginning of a new chapter in your life. Becoming a student at our University is not only the next step in your education but also a symbolic step into adulthood. Remember to use this time to develop yourselves with determination and an open mind, so you may be successful in your professional challenges later.

Then there’s the tradition that many of you are following in wearing a uniform. A uniform is so much more than only an outfit. It is a symbol of responsibility, commitment, and discipline. Wearing a uniform is a privilege, but also a commitment to represent the University with honour on every occasion. Our uniforms remind us of the University’s values – respect for work, loyalty towards our colleagues and readiness to undertake challenges. Each individual who puts on a uniform becomes not only part of the University but also the maritime tradition, which is a highly important part of our history.


The ceremony for the inauguration of the academic year 2024/2025 also included the presentation of the Minister of Infrastructure Awards by the Director of the Department of Maritime Education Wojciech Gąsowski and Rector Professor Adam Weintrit: 

  • An individual award for academic achievements to date was presented to Professor Krysztof Stefan Czaplewski.
  • An award for outstanding scientific achievements was presented to Professor Ireneusz Czarnowski. 

The Minister of Infrastructure gave awards to the best students studying maritime subjects at the University:

  • The award for the best navigator went to Karolina Maria Miszke, 
  • The award for the best ship electro-automation student was received by Kacper Krasuski,
  • The award for the best marine mechanic went to Aleksander Hora.



The inauguration ceremony came to a close with a performance of the Hymn to the Baltic and the exit parade of the Gdynia Maritime University banner accompanied by the Polish Navy Orchestra and the Gdynia Maritime University Guard of Honour.



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