Raising the Flag on Dar Młodzieży

On Thursday 30th June 2022 at 8:00 am, the Polish flag was ceremonially raised on Dar Młodzieży.

The red and white flag was raised on Dar Młodzieży for the first time to the sound of the national anthem 40 years ago at 8:00 am on 4th July 1982, symbolically marking the beginning of the white frigate’s service to maritime education, the 40th anniversary of which we are celebrating today.

Gathered for the ceremony on board the ship were the ship's crew, including Captain Rafał Szymański, and Students of the Faculty of Navigation beginning their seamanship training. Also in attendance were staff from the GMU Ship Management Office, including Director and Captain Bogumił Łączyński, Chair of Gdynia City Council Joanna Zielińska, the CEO of the Maritime Education Support Foundation Lechsław Bar, invited guests, as well as tourists and local residents.

In accordance with tradition, the Polish flag was raised punctually at 8:00 am to the sound of whiste, only this time uniquely in celebration of the ship’s birthday

Following a beautiful flag ceremony at the Pomeranian Quay where Dar Młodzieży was docked, a memorial plaque, was uncovered in commemoration of the white frigate’s 40 years of service to maritime education. The plaque is the seventh to be uncovered in the area of the quay. Other inscriptions are in honour of Admiral Kazimierz Porębski – the creator of maritime Education, as well as the captains of Dar Młodzieży.

Shortly after 10:00 am, Dar Młodzieży set off on another excision, this time to conduct seamanship internships with students of the Faculty of Navigation. As the ship left port in Gdynia, it was passed by Gdynia Maritime University’s second training ship, Horyzont II, on its return journey from Spitsbergen with trainee students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. As is maritime tradition, the two ships saluted one another by lowering their flags to half-mast, before sounding their horns.


40th anniversary of the raising of the flag on Dar Młodzieży: